The Augusta Chess Association is an incorporated non profit in the State of Georgia and is a registered 501(c)(3) charity with the IRS making all Donations to the Chess Association tax deductible. We are committed to transparency and provide several options for support to ensure that your money is directed at your preferred aspect of our missions.

Please consider making your donation recurring.

Support the Augusta Chess Association

All donations are used to facilitate chess events, pay fees, and cover expenses related to hosting and rating USCF events. Collecting donations helps us keep our registration fees low and allow us to run the organization with no dues or memberships!

Sponsor a Scholastic Player

The Augusta Chess Association is proud to support the scholastic players in our area! It is our goal to provide free USCF memberships and subsidies youth registration fees to ensure no children are excluded from chess for financial reasons. 100% of donations through this link are reserved for supporting our scholastic program.

Increase the Prize Fund

Due to our limited budget chess association prizes are paid out of registration fees and are limited to the registration fee of the event. Generally 2x the fee for first place, 1x the fee for second place.

Donations through this link are used exclusively to drive prizes higher for our events, this allows the association to attract more players from the region, retain registration money for improved events, and eventually designate our events as USCF Grand Prix events!